Meet with your Faculty Mentor

This website has a lot of options, because there are tons of ways for you to get hands-on experiences while you’re studying at UWGB. The best way to talk through your options and pick a few things to try out is to email or set up an appointment with your faculty mentor. To find out…

See List of All Opportunities

Keywords: Accounting, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, First Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Competitions Professional Connections, Transferrable Skills, Career Exploration, Virtual Option

Mentoring project

Sometimes, we all need somebody to lean on. Mentors can help you set goals, advise about your career path, make professional connections and serve as a trusted role model to support you through hardships. The Mentorship Project is designed for first-generation UW-Green Bay students. It’s a means to help them be successful during college and…

RISE Undergrad Research

The Research Intensive Student Experience (RISE) program will provide structured and incentivized undergraduate research experiences for students working with faculty to conduct, present, and publish peer-reviewed scholarly research. Students will be paired with a faculty member and be paid an hourly rate as a Student Research Assistant. Keywords: Transferrable Skills, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Virtual Option

Phoenix Leadership Program

The Phoenix Leadership Program is an opportunity for students to learn new skills, network with professionals and receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program. The Phoenix Leadership Program is a semester-long high-quality training experience designed to enhance student leadership skills and abilities. Students in the program will become better leaders at UW-Green…

Company Tours

Each semester, the Cofrin School of Business hosts about 3 tours of employers in Northeast Wisconsin. Attending these events lets students get a behind-the-scenes look at an industry and company culture. Take this as an opportunity to meet people at a company you’re interested in working at, or explore a company you’ve never considered working…


Did you know that as a business student, you can do an internship and get credit during any semester (or summer) while in college? No need to wait for senior year! In fact, we encourage you to try out an internship, or more than one, early on. Internships are a great way to “get your…

Practice Interviews & more from Career Services

The interview is a chance for candidates and employers to evaluate the fit between a candidate’s qualifications and goals and the organization’s needs. This may be your only chance to meet with the employer before they make a hiring decision, so first impressions are important. Consider scheduling an appointment to visit with a Career Advisor…

Student Managed Investment Fund

You won’t be like an investment manager – you will be an investment manager. Using real money, you’ll work with fellow students to research companies, manage portfolios, and prepare and present results to industry professionals. The best part? You’re not just helping your own goals – you’re helping other people, too. Any profit you earn…

Financial Literacy Outreach

Personal Financial Planning students present money management basics to student organizations, local community groups, and high schools. Get involved by joining the Personal Financial Planning Association (PFPA) student org. The Personal Financial Planning Association provides members with professional development resources that include access to employers and faculty to facilitate internship, career and scholarship opportunities. as well as…

Peer-to-Peer Financial Coaching

Get student peer coaching on spending, debt, credit, insurance, benefits, financial aid management, federal income tax, and money mindset. Schedule An Appointment Students minoring in Personal Financial Planning can be trained to be a peer financial coach! See more in this short video. Keywords: Finance, Transferrable Skills, Career Exploration, Junior, Senior